Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Boch News

We Report as it is


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I, on behalf of myself and entire members of my family wish to congratulate Nye Udu Upata, His Majesty Eze Felix E. Otuwarikpo, Ph.D, JP, AP – our ROYAL ICON OF DEVELOPMENT, on this epoch event of the official commissioning of Igbu Upata Kingdom Palace.

Your Majesty Sir, this project is first of its kind in this part of the Niger, made possible by your uncommon quest for the development of your people and domain.

I pray that God Almighty, who has made us witness this historic project, will continue to shower you with His Divine Grace to excel in your other pursuits and also give you more wisdom to pilot His children accordingly.

Eze Upata!
Chishi li ikashi

Eze Upata!!
Chishi li umukpa

Eze Upata!!!
Chishi li eze

Eze Upata!V
Chishi li uyodhu

Hon. Chief Engr. Agwana Emeka Fyneface
Eze Nwe Ula Obumeze

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