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His Eminence, Eze Amb. Sir Kelvin Ngozi Anugwo, Ph.D, JP, AP
Eze Ekpeye Logbo III

     compiled by Oyagiri Chime-emele 

The Ekpeye ethnic nation is believed to be the second largest ethnic group in Rivers State, Nigeria. They are found in Ahoada East (predominantly) and Ahoada West Local Government Areas.

Ekpeye ethnic nation shares boundaries with the Abuans and Kalabaris in the South, Ogba and Egi North and the Ikwerres East. While, the Engenni people are its neighbour Westward. It has Rivers Orashi and Sombreiro that builds its agro‐ecosystem.

They speak same language (Ekpeye) but with some variations in diction that points to the particular clan (Kingdom) or Local Government Area the speaker comes from. It presently has six (6) Kingdoms (clans), namely: Igbu Ubie, Igbu Akoh, Igbu Igbuduya, Igbu Upata, Igbu Ehuda and Igbu Ugbobi, with each Kingdom having a recognised first class paramount ruler called Eze Igbu, except Igbu Upata Kingdom that addresses its as; Nye Udu Upata.

The six (6) clan paramount rulers are traditionally supervised by a superintending head, addressed as His Eminence, Eze Ekpeye Logbo. The stool is presently occupied by His Eminence, Eze Amb. Sir Kelvin Ngozi Anugwo Ph.D, JP, AP, Eze Ekpeye Logbo III.

One thing that makes the people unique is their names, which showcases their culture and way of life.
Names in Ekpeye are mostly given based on personal life occurrences, experiences of parents or circumstances of birth like in most African societies.


The names are essentially meaningful, revealing and inspiring. For the readers who are from other ethnic groups, an Ekpeye name will be a sure bet for your next child.

Happy reading!


  1. Nwobueze – Child is wealth
  2. Ubuoliekeme – Not by my strength
  3. Uyodhu – Peace
  4. Umazum – May Goodness be my portion
  5. Umazhime – It’s my choice
  6. Umasoye – Favour is our portion
  7. Chiagaweme – I rely on God Almighty
  8. Esobuneta – Respect is reciprocal
  9. Idazhim – God lives
  10. Owayibueso – Money is respect
  11. Chinem – God’s gift
  12. Chilowe – God brings
  13. Chiyaweunwo – God creates
  14. Chiodhuye – God is our compass
  15. Chibueke – God is mighty
  16. Chimezim – My God is alive
  17. Ogboloida – God’s work
  18. Chiemele – God has done well
  19. Chimeka – Thank God
  20. Chigala – God provides
  21. Chizukenim – Divine arrangement
  22. Chimezonim – God, do it for me
  23. Chiwokwa – God’s blessings
  24. Chimegbo – God has conquered
  25. Chizinime – God is with me
  26. Chimeiyeuma – God has done well
  27. Chizukwa – God shares
  28. Chigushime – God loves me
  29. Buduka – Life is best
  30. Buduzhi – Let there be life
  31. Upadhida – Let God be praised
  32. Uwumachi – God’s glory
  33. Uwumazhinim – God’s glory dwell with me
  34. Uwumazhisi – Glory differs
  35. Ukeame – My share
  36. Uwambuchi – God is life
  37. Ununuma – Good luck
  38. Esokpo – Self restraint
  39. Ewhekashim – Do not forget me
  40. Memela – What have I done?
  41. Ukpenida – Worship God Almighty
  42. Uzhieyekachi – Nothing is greater than God
  43. Ameuka – Mine is better
  44. Egwele – Holiness
  45. Nyemaka – Humans are not equal
  46. Udhuluma – May there be calm
  47. Chime-emele – My God has done well
  48. Idaewhe ‐ Let God approve
  49. Ekaugboloida ‐ God’s handiwork
  50. Chibuegwume ‐ God is my rock

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