Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Boch News

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Happening Soon: EOG Poise To End Years Of Neglect In Ekpeye Land

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The Ekpeye Oil and Gas Pipelines Host Families Association (EOG) is said to poise to end years of neglect by multi national oil and gas companies operating in Ekpeye Land.

The EOG National Chairman, Comr. Chidi Dogini reiterated the stand of the body in a colourful ceremony while unveiling its planned Community Sensitization Campaign 2020, aimed according to him, at fostering the relationship between the Oil and Gas companies and hosts through mutual understanding that is anchored on manpower development.

Dogini said that this year’s campaign which is its maiden has; “Protecting Oil and Gas Facilities In Ekpeye Land And Participating In Government/ Oil & Gas Sector Empowerment Schemes”, as the theme.

He urged all stakeholders to avail themselves of the opportunity that will be presented by the EOG organised Sensitization Campaign to contribute their quotas in developing Ekpeye land.

Dogini said that dates, venue and time for the epoch event will be released in no distant time.

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