Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Boch News

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Prosperity Preacher Beaten By Angry Members

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Prophet Kandaya of Christ Kingdom Healing and Deliverance Ministries was beaten up by angry congregates last week for insisting through his preaching that 2020 is still a great year and people should give more to the church than they did before to provoke God’s abundance blessings.

The man of God whose church is located in Chipata, Mchinji and attracts members from Zambia and Malawi re-opened his normal church services amid Covid-19 lockdown regulations and called his grand reopening services: Punishing Coronavirus with the sharp shooter Prophet Kandaya.

A member who attended the services said that the man of God preached that people should give more than they have ever done because 2020 is a great year for those who will provoke God’s abundance blessings.

“Things are too hard for anyone now and we thought coming to church would offer a relief to our sorrow’s but the man who was preaching centred on giving more so that we avoid Coronavirus.

This angered some people who started shouting while others went straight to him and started assaulting him,” he said.

“Things are hard for all of us but telling us to give more than we have ever done was unfair because things are very hard for everyone.

He is rich and might not understand how life is for most of us,” explained the church member.

According to further information, it was upon the intervention of women who stood up for the man of God and rescued him from angry men.

The man of God has since closed down the church for now but has promised to curse everyone who put his hand on him.

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