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International Girl Child Day: People’s Views (Cont’d)

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In recognition of the International Day of the Girl Child, Bochnews Correspondent, Oyagiri Chime-emele held an online Vox Pop where different persons aired out their views.

While some interviewees expressed committed concerns, others blamed the Girl Child for their indecent dressings and bad manners.

Below is the excerpts. Happy reading:


Ishibie Gloria Nmmawanyi

International Day For The Girl Child is a day to celebrate the Girl Child and Make Every Girl Child Feel Accepted To The Family and Society Where She Finds Herself.

The Girl Child is The Future of Any Nation.

Train A Girl Child and You Have Built A Nation.

God Bless All The Girl Child That has Lost their Lives Out of Rejection and Abandonment.


  • Esther Ken-Nwagwu

The xx chromosomes swim slowly, but are steady and as a result live longer.

She weathers the storm, she has a lot of strength which she dispenses gradually. That is what the girl child stands for.

Strength and stability, she strengthens the bond of the family in particular and the society at large and also stabilizes them.

She goes far where others can’t reach and connects tribes, nations and races.

She nurtures, multiples and beautifies. That is the true nature of the girl child.

If you have one, value her for she is priceless. Don’t limit her, don’t stop her.

Happy international day of the girl child.


Evang. Blessing Arizie

I want to say girl children are most blessed children because, they have been a blessing to to their families.

They are more lntelligent and reasonable, yet, most families look down on them.
To most families, girl children is not a child.
l want people to know that if you do not have a girl child, something is missing in your family.

God bless the girl child.



Happy international Day of the girl child from all of us @ Negaliem Charity Foundation.

Negaliem Charity Foundation, celebrates every girl child all over the world, we reaffirm that a girl child is not disadvantaged she is strong, powerful and embodied with confidence.

To every girl child, remember that your dreams are valid, and you can do all that you set your mind to achieve.


  • Amb. Happy Endurance Ukameuka (Queen Bella). Ada Ugbede Ekpeye Logbo and S.A on Culture and Tourism to the Executive Chairman of Ahoada West Local Government Council, Rivers State, Nigeria

*The challenges of the Girl child in the society:

In many cultures and societies, the girl child is denied her human rights and sometimes her basic needs Ekpeye Ethnic Nation in Rivers State Nigeria as a case study.

Recently the Rivers state Government signed it into law, that the women should be given equal right.

The girl child is at increased risk of sexual abuse and exploitation and other harmful practices that negatively affect her survival, development and ability to achieve to her fullest potential. Because girls are particularly vulnerable, they require additional protections. The girl child suffers high level of discrimination and abuse in the society by not given the right to protect their rights.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989, sets forth the basic human rights of children, usually those under 18 years of age. These rights include nondiscrimination; the right to survival and development of potential; protection from harmful influences, abuses and exploitation; and full participation in family, cultural and social life.

The convention also spells out some human rights violations that are unique to the girl child, including discrimination based upon sex, prenatal sex selection, female genital mutilation and early marriage.
Cultural Influences on Treatment of Girl Children

Discrimination and harmful practices against the girl child vary depending upon cultural context.

Some girl child parents do not significantly contribute to the wellbeing and income of their girl child, but believes in collection of large dowries or may be expected by in-laws when the girl marries.

sex Abuse and abandonment of infant girls have increased dramatically in Nigeria because the girl child is not properly protected by families and the society at large.

Prenatal sex selection is more common where the parents are not well to do, just to eradicate poverty in their families, not minding the marital mental health disorder of the girl child involved.

The shortage of females in some Asian countries has led to other problems, such as increased trafficking in women for marriage and sex work. Despite government programs and efforts to end such practices with education, financial incentives and threat of punishment, sex-selective abortion and female infanticide continue.

The status of girls is significantly less than that of boys in some countries. This makes girls more vulnerable to discrimination and neglect. Available indicators reveal that girls are discriminated against from the earliest stages of life in the areas of nutrition, health care, education, family care and protection.

Girls are often fed less, particularly when there are diminished food resources. A diet low in calories, protein and nutrients negatively affects girls’ growth and development. Less likely to receive basic health care, they are at increased risk of childhood mortality.

The Girl child suffers Abuses on a daily basis by men and even families and parents who believes the girls are not needed in the family on like that of the male child. Therefore the girl child is being discriminated, maltreated and Abandoned by parents.

Solutions to these challenges: A Girl Child should be given the opportunity to feel safe and sound, with their basic survival needs met: shelter, food, clothing, medical care and protection from harm and Educational rights. As a Parent/Guardian, It is Very Mandatory that you make sure your girl child gets the best possible education for their future. The girl child should be given the same right as that of the male child in the society (Gender Equality).

Parents should pay more attention to their girl child, protect them, give a mutual parental relationship to them for easy conversations for inner finding and solutions to more of their secrets problems to avoid future damage.
Happy International Girl child day.


Okatubo Judith

Do not only equip the girl child for marital and societal life, do same to the boy child.

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